blog content

life is not just black, white nor grey.

make your own choice to paint it in colors, everyday..

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Dusk & The Bench's story

Sabang's City Park - zethrasyam photograph

the hate all around them,
because when the dusk come,
the bench feels lonely.

why can't I become your friend?
ask the dusk.

uhm can you sit on me?
can you laugh? embrace me?
and spread the love & joy around?
said the bench.

I present you the moon.. beautiful moon!
how about that?

can the moon do that?

nooh, the moon still up there give us light & beauty to the night.

I no need a light, my friend the lamp did it.
though he skipped sometimes.

so, we really can't be friend, are we?

sorry, I just can't..
I knew that tomorow morning I will have a lot of friends to cheers me up,
but everytime you came,
they'll be gone.
and I'm gonna be lonely.

why don't you blame the night?
I'd here just temporary.

you're the one who presenting the night..
..and I just need someone to blame.

zeth radtra from BlackBerry®

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My homemade french toast

Sooo yuuuuuummmm..

zeth radtra from BlackBerry®

Friday, October 29, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

my new ID Card

this is my new ID Card
now i'm legal as Aceh citizen

warm regards,

Thursday, September 30, 2010

watering the sun

one day in Sumur Tiga Beach, Sabang

 mr. sun dancing with the wave

 "what a hot day" he says and run into the water

splish-splash watering himself, my hottie guy

ew, had enough salty water

warm regards,

the heritage advice

when we grow old then grow up..

we've just realized,
that what we've hated heard
when we were little kid, 

my lovely mother & lovely niece

..and someday
 when we'll have our own children,
we'd like to do that too.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

pempek palembang

saya baru pertama kali belajar membuat pempek palembang,

 saya juga tidak terlalu ahli memasak,
tapi saya suka memasak,
 saya merasa memasak itu seperti seorang ahli kimia
 yang sedang bereksperimen di laboratoriumnya.
 keren ga sih!

karena langsung praktek,
 jadi bahan yang saya tulis sesuai dengan yang saya buat,
 karena memang tidak memakai resep acuan. 
resep ini bisa dinikmati 6-7 orang dewasa.
 bagi teman-teman yang ahli masak,
pasti sudah jago mengkonversi ukuran kan, monggo..
 maaf saya belum banyak tahu istilah memasak,
jadi saya tulis sesuai dengan apa yg saya pahami saja :)
begini hasilnya kalau menggoreng kurang rata (zethrasyam_photograph)

bahan-bahan :
1,25 kg fillet ikan gabus/tengiri digiling halus
0,25 kg tepung terigu
1,25 kg tepung sagu/kanji
penyedap (jika suka) 

bahan cuka :
1 kg gula aren (kalau ga ada, gula merah/jawa juga bisa)
2 liter air (untuk yang versi kental, kalau suka yang encer, lebihkan)
 0,25 kg bawang putih kupas
1 ons cabe rawit
 1 sdm cuka masak
 atau bisa diganti dengan
 asam jawa ambil larutan airnya
last but not least : LOVE seasoning

lemak nian oy....   (zehrasyam_photograph)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

my new exciting Easy GIF Animator

yesterday, i had so much fun
hunting new blinkies & button for my blog

i finally applied it from 

this early morning,
i was so excited
image from here

mr.sun have found & installed
Easy GIF Animator program in my laptop

Easy GIF Animator Program

so i could create a button, blinkies & banner on my own
and this is my first blinkies creation

do it, fix it, try it

and to express my gratitude,
i especially made this for mr.sun,
cause i knew his deep down inside
about this ;)

on behalf his passion on RF Online

oh, there so much in my mind i wanna create 
and wanna share like others did 
wish me luck!

for mr. sun : that's why i love you, baby

warm regards,

Sunday, September 12, 2010

sit back & relax

mr. sun @ anoi hitam beach (zethrasyam_photograph)

what would you do 
if you find a beautiful beach on your day off?


 like mr. sun did yesterday..

warm regards,

hmmm,, what a perfect match

young coconut ice @ anoi hitam beach  (zethrasyam_photograph)   

young coconut ice
the beach

one word,

warm regards,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

beware kids, chocolate can be manipulating

uhm, i think i need a partner in this
c'mon little brother
look aunty Z have a camera
aunty Z in love with bang niko (no offense, mr.sun..)
and she snaps everything around
come pose with me
err, do i have to?
let's cuddling
sounds so cute, right?

huhuuu why sist? i'm a guy i don't do cuddling..
look at the camera and smiiileee!

i said NO!! mommyyyyyyyy..........
ssshhh, don't tell mommy
here's take mine

uh uh cant say no to chocolate
just remember
our deal tomorrow, okay

beware kids.. chocolate is so manipulating

cast :
my niece : naura rahma pramesti
my nephew : haidar naufaldo pandya

warm regards,

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

healthy broccoli

cah brokoli

healthy broccoli  (zetrasyam_photograph)

bahan-bahan :
brokoli potong sesuai batang
bawang bombay cincang kasar
bawang putihcincang kasar
merica bubuk
last but not least : LOVE seasoning

cara membuatnya :
panaskan sedikit minyak dalam wajan,
 masukkan bawang putih & bawang bombay sampai harum,
masukkan brokoli,
beri garam, gula & merica bubuk,
atur rasa.
angkat brokoli sebelum layu.
 hidangkan dengan senyum

 happy cooking  ^__^

warm regards,

the secret ingredient of being success

remember this chubby funny panda?

po from kungfu panda the movie (image from here)  

 yeah, this movie was released 2 years ago
 but i still remember the deep message on it

remember him?  from kungfu panda the movie (image from here)


one thing i keep remembered is
when mr. ping said to po, this :

 "there is NO secret ingridient,

 it's just YOU.

 to make something SPECIAL,

you just have to
 BELIEVE it special"

believe will open the way
believe will give you strenght
believe will keep you confidence
believe that you'll get what you want
believe that you deserve 
believe that you CAN DO this
believe it, you'll get it

it's so deep, mr. ping..
i wish i could taste your noodle too.

warm regards,

Monday, September 6, 2010

cute vintage frames from shabby's blog

what do you think about this?


isn't it cute?

i cut it out from these
and do little this little that on photoshop

image from

 i found this cute frame from shabby's blog

and have fun with your photos collection

for shabby, thank you for this cutie frame

i'm lovin' it

warm regards,

Friday, September 3, 2010

movie date with mr.sun

 mr. sun & me LOVE movies
did i write it with caps on?
yes i did :)

since we decided to have no TV at home for temporary,
and it happens we live in a small island
which doesn't have a cinema,
so we have our movie date on 
DVD in our 12 inch laptop (oh my..)

but it's okay,
our movie date still comfy & romantic as well.
and never forget to serve popcorn.
well, i came from java island,
so i'll serve javanese popcorn today..
i took this picture in Town Anniversary Festival in Malang.

javanese popcorn covered with batik (zethrasyam_photograph)

me & mr. sun

mr. sun & me (zethrasyam_photograph)

my husband.
his last name is Syam.
he is an Indonesian, just like me.
Syam in arabic means the Sun.

yes, he is my Sun.
shine on me everyday & night.
what a busy sun..


warm regards,

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's a hot not fasting day

blue ice (zethrasyam_photograph)
mr.sun is fasting while I'm not coz of my monthly girl thing.
he's sleeping,
so there I could make this blue ice without guilty..

warm regards,
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the perspective matters

everyday we dEaL  

with our fate lives,

the Good & the Bad,

it's all just our perspective,

hoW we SEE thingS! 

either wanna see

the BEAUTIFUL Flower


just the MESSY gRass

warm regards,

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