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life is not just black, white nor grey.

make your own choice to paint it in colors, everyday..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the perspective matters

everyday we dEaL  

with our fate lives,

the Good & the Bad,

it's all just our perspective,

hoW we SEE thingS! 

either wanna see

the BEAUTIFUL Flower


just the MESSY gRass

warm regards,

Friday, August 27, 2010

he make me cry more than hachiko did

his name is christian
he is a lion

he has remarkable heart, journey & the story instead, the christian story in bahasa.
in 1969 the 2 bestfriend, Anthony Bourke dan John Rendall decided to bring the cub home.
and named him christian.

they spent every cherish moment together,
untill Anthony & John thought that Christian was too big to live in the city.
they decided to bring him back to wild, in Kenya, Afrika.

after a year,
the 2 bestfriend decided to visit Christian in Afrika, which is he's turned into a wild lion.

and here's the video

"get the tisue!"
look again, Christian was the one who missed them more.
"more tisue... more tisue!!"
(well, i think the song is great together)

..and more surprise,
Christian even introduced them with his wife (which is the real wild lion)  here


..and we have THE WINNER!

warm regards,

Saturday, August 21, 2010

home made spicy sardine

 ikan pindang tongkol suwir pedas

home made spicy sardine (zethrasyam_photograph)

bahan-bahan :
ikan pindang tongkol disuwir-suwir pake garpu
bawang merah iris tipis
bawang putih iris tipis
cabe merah besar haluskan
cabe rawit haluskan
daun jeruk buang tulangnya, iris tipis
minyak goreng untuk menumis
garam, gula merah, merica, kecap
last but not least : LOVE seasoning

cara membuatnya :
panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang putih, bawang merah sampai harum
masukkan cabe merah & cabe rawit halus sampai agak matang,
tambahkan daun jeruk, garam, gula merah, merica & sedikit kecap,
tambahkan sedikit air dan atur rasanya,
setelah rasa sudah pas & mantab,
masukkan ikan pindang tongkol suwir,
aduk hingga bumbu merata,
hidangkan dengan senyum

happy cooking ^__^

warm regards,

Friday, August 20, 2010

waiting iftar time with mr.sun

waiting iftar time called ngabuburit in sundanese,
but the terms now goes nationally.

sight seeing around the beach,

kasih beach, sabang, weh island-Indonesia (zethrasyam_photograph)

the sun is lazily set,

coz it covered by clouds which dropped hard rain the night earlier.

the clouds covered the lazy sun (zethrasyam_photograph)

still.. it's a lovely evening with my love one

warm regards,

I believe I can fly

image from here
'BELIEVE' is the way to make ur dream come true

Thursday, August 19, 2010

boys will be BOYS

I believe that all men 

are just overgrown boys 

with deep 

problems communicating
(neil gaiman)

mr.sun loves gaming 
warm regards,
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